On the 14th of May, Broadley Rees Hogan participated in the annual Queensland Legal Walk 2019 in Brisbane. Our team of seven were among the hundreds walking 5km around Brisbane CBD and among the 859 walkers taking part in seven cities across Queensland.
Led by the Honourable Catherine Holmes, Chief Justice of Queensland and the Honourable Yvette D’Ath, Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills Attorney-General, walkers set off at 7am on a loop from the Supreme Courts, through the Botanic Gardens, across to Southbank and back over the Brisbane River to finish again at the courts.
The $123,506 raised by this event will go towards helping LawRight to continue to remove barriers to justice and assist vulnerable individuals, with 10 percent of proceeds this year going towards helping individuals affected by legal issues from the recent Townsville floods.
BRH look forward to supporting this event and worthy cause again in 2020.

Our BRH Walkers: Angela, Stuart, Michelle, Courtney, Sarah, Lachlan and Marija.
Broadley Rees Hogan (BRH Lawyers) is an independent firm, specialising in corporate, commercial, property, construction and litigation. Based in Brisbane, we act for clients across the country and internationally – for an unassuming firm, we know how to deal big.
For more information, please visit www.brhlawyers.com.au or contact us on (07) 3223 9100.